Educational Adventures in Arizona

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Humphrey's Peak Hike ~ July 29, 2006

My husband likes to hike Humphrey’s Peak at least once a year, either with our boys or with a couple of friends. I’ve never attempted it myself. Here is what Rich had to say about this trek:

"The sky was overcast all day. It was windy and cold above the timber line. The clouds kept being blown down on the ridge, sometimes limiting visibility to 100 feet or so. I made it to the top, but the hike taxed my strength far beyond what I thought possible. Also it threatened rain all day but it waited until we got back down to the car, then it broke with fury. Praise God, who made all things, and cares for us in ways both great and small."

Take a virtual tour! Each of the following photos will open in a new window. Be sure to watch the cool video that Rich took near the top!

Hart's Prairie
The Goal
Wet Leaf Litter
Butterfly on Daisy
Alpine Forest
Humphrey's Peak in Cloud
The Last Tree
Where's the Peak
The Other Side
Alpine Tundra
The Peak
Local Resident
View From the Top
Hart's Prairie Return
Movie taken at 12,000 ft. - Turn on the sound!
*Large File will need ~20 minute download time for dial-up.

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